
Passes & Subscription

Only1 provides two membership types for creators to earn: Passes and Subscription. Passes is a new, unique, permanent premium membership whereas Subscription is the traditional monthly recurring membership. Creators can launch either, or both on Only1 for free, no hidden up-front platform fee or sign-up cost.


Passes are permanent, premium memberships. Fans purchase Passes to gain permanent access to exclusive content, they are also re-sellable on the marketplace.


  • Limited: Creators can limit pass availability to increase rarity and exclusivity

  • Tradable: Pass holders can resell the passes to other users on Only1 Marketplace after purchase

  • Free to Launch: Pass creation is free and launches in just 30 seconds


Coming Soon

Subscriptions are monthly memberships. Fans access exclusive content and direct messages as long as they continue their monthly payments. Subscriptions are recurring monthly, without the need for re-signing or frontloading.


  • Genuinely P2P: The subscription fee is paid by the user directly to the content creator

  • Gas-free: No need to top up SOL for gas anymore. Users pay for both transaction and purchase fees in one currency: USDC

  • Anonymity: Unlike typical subscriptions, subscriptions are peer-to-peer & thus more anonymous

Membership Fee Structure

Creators pay 20% on Passes primary sale and monthly subscription sales. Fees for secondary pass sales by users on the marketplace vary. More details on: Marketplace

Last updated